• Jataka Tales: How a Parrot Had His Neck Wrung

Jataka Tales: How a Parrot Had His Neck Wrung

  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789385252655
  • CATEGORY: Chidrens books
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 16
  • LANGUAGE: English

Jataka Tales: How a Parrot Had His Neck Wrung

Rs. 106.00   Rs. 125.00

Publisher :Om Books International
  • Chidrens books
  • English
  • 16 PAGES

Jataka Tales are a part of Indian literature that contain stories from the life of the Buddha in the human and animal forms. The stories in this collection are written in simple language that children would be able to grasp easily. Each tale teaches an important lesson. The books from a perfect window to the Indian tradition of story- telling for kids.

Jataka Tales are a part of Indian literature that contain stories from the life of the Buddha in the human and animal forms. The stories in this collection are written in simple language that children would be able to grasp easily. Each tale teaches an important lesson. The
books from a perfect window to the Indian tradition of story- telling for
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789385252655
  • CATEGORY: Chidrens books
  • ISBN-13: 9789385252655
  • PAGES: 16
  • LANGUAGE: English

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